
A Choice of Faith to Crossover

Voices: Jonathan Dickson
Date Given: April 17, 2022

Jonathan Dickson- So just lift your hands and say, Lord, I am saved. I proclaim that I am saved. Lord I thank you for bringing us all to this moment in time, to this Passover moment, because the revelation that has come out in the past couple of days through this conference has forever changed my perception of what this moment is, what this Passover moment is. And I see it from the first day when we had the KHA commissionings, to this morning when we had the baptisms. I have seen a river of transformation laying before us.

And as we cross over the dynamic of prayer will forever be changed. The dynamic of warfare will forever be changed. The dynamic of how our spirit operates will forever be changed. How we walk in alignment with God will forever be changed. How we walk in alignment with each other will forever be changed. So Lord, we thank you for bringing us to this moment because I know I would not be here if it weren’t for you. I would not be alive if it weren’t for you. Lord God it is nothing by what I have done. It is your grace and your love for all of us. Lord, we know you have shed the blood of your son and we claim the blood of Christ.

We know we are children of God. But the thing that I have kept feeling on my heart is that there is still a choice to be made. There is still a choice to walk it out. We know we are saved. We know we have the blood. We know He will split the seas before us. We know He is the victory, but as I look past over the last couple of years of my life I see the times I haven’t crossed over. I see the times where indecision or indifference or doubts or fears have held my feet rooted where I’ve diverted from my path. And though He has never let me out of my sight He’s still brought me to this moment. He has brought all of us to this moment to cross over but there is a choice to walk it out. Will you be like those ancestors long long ago who saw the giants in the land and said, no, no, no, no, no.

Because there is a war over our inheritance and the war is intensifying. And I gotta say my initial reaction is God I don’t know how much left I have to give. I’m tired, I’m weary. I am exhausted, I am spent. But still the choice is before me to walk it out. Will we build our settlements on this side of the river and sit there and wait for the war and everything all just to be over or will we call on the winds of the spirit and cross over? So say fear fall behind, fear fall behind. Devil get behind me. Faith do not fail me because though I feel like sometimes I’m at the end of my tether, I am tethered to God. I will wrap His word around me like sins for my soul.

Let His word be the marrow for your bones. Call to have the heart of Joshua, call to have the tenacity of Caleb. Let us be bold and salty in this new season. Let us be bold and salty. Holy spirit let your winds come and strip away all my old mindsets, strip away all my past paradigms, strip away my old identity. I draw the bloodline behind me cause that past self and that death and all of that will not cross over with me when I’m going in. And even though I will make the choice to take this step I know I am linked with each and every one of you as a corporate body as we cross over. And I speak to the web and I say, and we all say to each other I’m crossing over and you are coming with me. So enemy, enemy beware. You sit on top of my inheritance, but your tower will topple. For we cross over with El Shaddai. Let the Lion of Judah roar within us. This is our breakthrough moment, we are crossing over. We are going in!

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