Dear Advancing Ones:
Many words came forth this past Sunday about unlimited access. Before you can have unlimited access you must first have access. When I awakened Tuesday morning, the first thing the Lord said to me was, “Pray for 21 days so that what is blocking my people’s access will be removed.” We will begin this incredible intercessory thrust of 21 Days to Gain New Access on Saturday, December 1. Why 21 days? The principle of Daniel 10 was praying for 21 days to remove a principality that was blocking future revelation. When Daniel gained access the Lord showed him the future and gave him revelation that is still pertinent for us today. Daniel 10:12 says, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before God your words were heard.” The Lord then sent and visited him with angelic help.
Access is
• the permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing
• freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something
• a way or means of entering or approaching
• an outburst of intense feeling
• an increase by addition
• the act of grasping hold of your future
Three Weeks of Pressing Through to Gain Access from Earth to Heaven!
Yeshua came to become THE DOOR of access for you! I am asking the Lord to give you ACCESS. In the new covenant dispensation, the enemy is blocked from entering into the Throne Room. However, YOU HAVE ACCESS! The access will release power that will cause the enemy to flee! This is a year of firsts, new beginnings, and Kingdom demonstration. 1 Corinthians 2:6-9 talks about God’s secret plan and wisdom that did not originate from this present age, but before the ages, to bring us into glory. No matter how established you are, there will be new beginnings in your life, ministry, and spheres of authority. We, the Body of Christ, must manifest who we are and who we represent! The Father is revealing how the Lord’s Prayer actually works.
• Gain ACCESS to the THRONE ROOM! Read Luke 11.
• Gain ACCESS to your GARDEN! That was the first premise of boundaries. Within our new boundaries are the manifestations of glory and the communion of our future.
• Gain ACCESS to the Kingdom of God! We will understand the Kingdom of God within us and demonstrate Kingdom power within our sphere.
• Gain ACCESS to the blessings of Abraham’s covenant and align with Israel – God’s First Nation!
• Gain ACCESS to mysteries held in His Word! There must be a revival of the Word of God in the Body of Christ. (Father gave Torah to Israel and then the Son demonstrated His HEART and MIND to us.)
• Gain ACCESS to a new timing, linked with harvest!
• Gain ACCESS to the ark and understand the procession of Glory in our region!
• Gain ACCESS to understanding the Government of God in Heaven and Earth. This will mobilize an army for war!
• Gain ACCESS to new sound that will produce movement. Judah goes first! We are poised to gain ACCESS to NEW SONGS that will break old cycles!
• Gain ACCESS to the understanding of God’s order in our land!
• Gain ACCESS to the place where new provision and wealth exists. Remove the enemy’s covering and possess your inheritance.
There is a great war over the inheritance of our future. Many times our warfare is centered around internal issues. Like Peter, we are having to get beyond ourselves so that we can be sent into God’s mission and the destiny that He has for us. Another thing to understand is gaining access to enter your breakthrough portal! Gain access to strategies to war for the promise ahead! Enter with a MIND to TRIUMPH! If you are moving in the new, you will see several changes: His fullness will be seen in your personality; your soul will be restored from the last season; all fear and manipulation that have crowded your identity and confined you to your past will leave your personality; your new identity will reflect His ability to overcome the mountains that stopped your progress (see Isaiah 41 and Zechariah 4). He has given you power over the enemies that would hinder your progress (see 2 Corinthians 10:3–6). Gain ACCESS and steer the course of history with your prayers and acts of faith.
We must rely on the Holy Spirit as we enter a new season. He must become our rear guard as we advance. Unless the Holy Spirit is enfolded in the history of any land and continues directing its covenant with God, evil will overtake the society, causing the covenant root with our Creator to wither. The Holy Spirit enables us to triumph as we go through great change. In approaching the future, the real issue always concerns the change of heart and unified expression of His people, since this will release an anointing throughout the earth. The anointing breaks the yoke (see Isaiah 10:27)! God always has a triumphant reserve from generation to generation that will come forth with new strength and power.
These are times of visitation. Please watch the two messages from Sunday. I spoke on “Recognizing Your Time of Visitation!” This is a key time to dethrone hope deferred and expect God to visit us.
ACCESS COMES IN A MOMENT OF TIME! David had many encounters with the Lord, but he gained access to his prophetic destiny and kingship in 1 Samuel 30 by pursuing the enemies who had robbed him of everything and recovering all. I believe his access came when he took a portion of what he had and gave it to those who had blessed him. Over the next 21 days, record your “moments”. We will be leading corporate prayer here for these 21 days to encourage you in revelation, but you need to keep a record of how God meets you each day. I will lead the first session this Saturday at noon (CST) in the Tabernacle.
Chuck D. Pierce