Dear Advancing Ones:
We continue moving forward here. Earlier today I did a Daystar Television taping with Marcus and Joni Lamb. We are also preparing for our next Night Watch (at 9 PM CDT, online-only), as well as Friday’s Breaking of the New Day Prophetic Conference. This is a key week to break out, awaken to your new boundaries, and let your voice be heard (see key prophecy below).
Iyar is a month the Lord wants to reveal secrets to us as we transition from Passover to Pentecost. Biblically, this was the month when God tested Israel between Egypt and Sinai with difficulty and blessings. During this time, He revealed Himself as Healer, Provider, and Banner. Yeshua also revealed Kingdom secrets to His disciples during this time period — shifting them from disciples to apostles, and into a new level of glory. Iyar is still a time to learn God’s secrets, so be sure to watch Robert Heidler’s Firstfruits teaching on “The Month of IYAR 5780/2020: Learning the Secrets of God as you CROSS OVER from PASSOVER to PENTECOST!”
A Key Word: Break Out and Awaken to Your New Boundaries!
We are under a portal of revelation. Here is a portion of what was released yesterday that will help position you for this key week.
“You have been like a bonsai plant in a narrow container, but I Am beginning to break that container and cause your roots to spread out! This will be the time of root-spreading and roots going deeper. Though the enemy tried to keep you in a narrow place, I Am now laughing over what the enemy did. Know that My laugh will enter the earth realm. Watch its effect on many who refused to enter into my joy! Watch now, for your last container is being broken!
“Awaken, awaken, awaken! I Am putting you on alert. Watch, for the next three days. Dig in and dig in deeper. Look and see what I Am removing, because on the fourth day I Am awakening My people into a new place. The four walls of the box will begin to fall out and you will look and see what your next step is. As you step forth, see clearly what you are leaving behind. As you move in there will be a new alert, a new awakening, and a new movement that will excite you. This movement in days ahead will reveal to you My promise to advance and succeed in places that have not prospered.
“Don’t let the mask that you’re wearing mute your mouth. Over these next 10 days, don’t let the mask you are wearing mute your mouth! This is still the era of the voice! Begin to speak, Michigan! Begin to speak, New York! Don’t let the mask you’re wearing mute your praise! Over these next 10 days, darkness is approaching but your mouth will speak forth light! All over the world, don’t let your mouth be muted by the mask that you’re wearing. Let the mask be removed and the mouth of God go forth!” (Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce, Keevy Phillips)
These next three days are very important, and I encourage you to fast three days this week. Allow the Lord to show you what to fast. He knows the “trigger” you need to avoid to continue pressing forward during this time of breaking out. Read Ezra 8:21-23 as a model to stir your faith.
I also encourage you to visit GZI TV to watch our weekly replays and rehearse the revelation released through this portal. For those of you who are subscribed to All Access, you will also be able to watch the entire Passover 5780 Celebration, Let the Roar Arise – Crossing Over with Worship, extended replays, and much more!
The Breaking of the Day Prophetic Conference on Friday, May 1!

Next Friday (May 1), we will have our Breaking of the Day Online Prophetic Conference. This will begin at 9 AM (CDT) and feature incredible ministry and activation by Cindy Jacobs, Daniel & Amber Pierce and Rebekah Verbeten (from Israel), Dutch Sheets, Isaac Pitre, Linda Heidler, Mark Gonzales, Ray Hughes, Robert Heidler, Tom & Jane Hamon, Robert Heidler, and Trevor Baker (from England).
Chuck D. Pierce