Thursday, July 4, 2019
Dear Accelerating Ones:
These past two days were such a strategic time to be in Seoul, Korea. The meetings were just incredible, and that nation is in a window of change and victory. The eyes of the world have focused on the Korean peninsula, and God’s people there are preparing the way for a new Kingdom move. Korea is on the verge of a kingdom shaking movement, so please continue to pray during this critical season.
Celebrate Your Freedom Today!
When you receive this, I will be flying home and scheduled to land on Thursday afternoon. As I have been preparing for our Firstfruits Celebration on Sunday morning, I am also reflecting on this day. I am not a person who holds my freedom lightly. I want to encourage you to spend time today thanking the Lord for the freedoms we still have in the United States (or your nation, if you live outside the United States). Although our culture may try to remove or redefine what freedom is, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! We must never forget that since Jesus overcome death, hell and the grave, we have freedom. We serve a Savior who is alive and filled with life, and out of His victory we have abundant life. Walk in that abundance and liberty today!
Chuck D. Pierce