Your Setback is a Setup for Comeback! Wednesday at 7 PM in the Upper Room with Pasqual Urrabazo!
Dear Advancing Ones:
What an incredible procession of worship! Yesterday’s Celebration Service was such an incredible time of giving honor to Yeshua, Most Beautiful One. We serve a God whose overabundant love recovers all. He calls us to arise as a troop who will overcome and enter into divine recovery. If you could not join us, I encourage you to watch the replay, express your heart in worship, and welcome a love that celebrates the return of all that has been lost.

I couldn’t think of a better close to yesterday’s service than the song by Isaac Pierce with Chenia Patu. Never forget the call to come back home! Isaac’s new CD, IKE: Some Kind of View, is now available online on Spotify.
Your Setback is a Setup for Comeback! Wednesday at 7 PM with Pasqual Urrabazo in the Upper Room!
As we heard yesterday, this is a time for our faith to rise up for recovery and return. For this week’s Prophetic Empowerment on Wednesday evening, I have asked Pasqual Urrabazo to minister on “Your Setback is a Setup for Comeback!” All of you in the region are welcome to join him at 7 PM CST in the Upper Room for this time of revelation and activation. If you cannot attend onsite at the Global Spheres Center, you can also join by live webcast as well as replay.
Pull Aside with Me!
I am so grateful for how the Spirit of God continues to speak through this prophetic portal. Here is a portion of the revelation that came forth in yesterday’s Celebration Service through a message in tongues. In this week of His procession, I encourage you to find time to hear and repeat what He is speaking to you.
“I Am calling for a tea-time this week. Come and sit with Me and repeat the things I’ve said to you. I want to hear My word come back to Me. So pull aside and have tea with Me, and let’s discuss together what I intend to do. Then open your eyes, be refreshed, and watch Me work.
“This is a time for you to rediscover your authority. Especially to the parents this hour, it is time for you to rediscover who I created you to be. As you are going through this week, it is a time to open your mouth and fill it with My words back to Me. Many of you have been as gentle as a lamb and have forgotten to kick-in the lion that I have called you to be. There is dysfunction in your family, and you have allowed it because you have not opened up your mouth with the authority that I have given you. So in this week of divine recovery and rehearsing the word back to Me, I Am giving you back your authority that you have willfully let go. I Am saying it is time for you, as parents, to go to your children and restore and recover all, for I desire time to be redeemed. Many of you in this last three years have lost relationship with children, but I Am reversing that this hour. I Am retraining your thoughts on what it means to be a parent. There is a new level of giving coming out of the parents because I gave my Son. Regain your authority, sip the tea that I have given you, and taste and see what authority will do for you.
“This is a week of My procession. Many in this nation are thinking it is a week of the political, but it is a week of My procession. In My procession, I carry the redemption, I carry the restoration, I carry the fullness of every word that you have heard today. Know that you are moving with Me and you will see the head of every gate and every door encountered this week lifted up and open before you as the procession of the Lord of Glory, the Lord of Hosts – Yahweh T’zsav‘ot – moves through lives and families and this nation this week.” (Shatece McLeod, Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Lisa Lyons)
Chuck D. Pierce