
A Psalm for the New Year!

Psalm 23: A “No Lack” Faith Declaration for 2023! 

Dear Declaring Ones:

One of the most vivid pictures of a covenant relationship in the Bible is the relationship of a shepherd with his sheep. When David wrote, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack anything”, he was expressing an incredible faith that our God can be trusted in every situation. Psalm 23 is a standard for all of us in this new year. Robert Heidler’s teaching on the blessings of knowing the Good Shepherd could not have been better for expressing how the Lord wants us to experience His covenant character. If you were not able to join the amazing worship and message in yesterday’s Celebration Service, I encourage you to watch the replay and enter into the Psalm 23 faith proclamation for 2023.

From Empty to Full!

During worship, the Spirit of God began to speak an incredible prophetic word to Norma Urrabazo. When she texted me what He was saying, I knew it was for us corporately. Let’s agree that 2023 is a year of shifting into fullness!

It’s time – to grab it all! Don’t be so polite that you leave your blessings behind. There is a time to pull on the hem of His garment… but NOW is the time where you will walk WITH His garment among you. You are a child of God and this IS your inheritance.

It IS a new season. You are going

… from crying to courage.

… from deception to deliverance and walking in freedom from any of last season’s residue.

… from fear to the FRONT LINE

The Holy Spirit will define you. Allow Him to sharpen you and fill any area of dryness and FILL you up!! Allow Him to take you from empty to FULL!

He will dust off dullness and shine you up. This is your time to shine!”


Chuck D. Pierce

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