Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.” (Is. 54:2)
Big changes are underway here at the Global Spheres Center! We are expanding and you are part of this movement! Join us online this Sunday and declare, “I am going beyond and finding my way into expansion!”
Dear Expanding Ones:
There is so much activity going on here at the Global Spheres Center. Our Video Wall is nearly complete! Our stage is extending to the right and left! Our Welcome Center is taking shape. New flooring is being installed. Although passing through the Dire Straits is typically known as a narrow and confining place, we are dedicating this time to expand!
A Time to Arise: New Garden Video for Av!
This new video from the Israel Prayer Garden could not be better in showing us how to advance through the Dire Straits. When you feel trapped or confined, take a deep breath and allow your faith to arise and make you buoyant! Rise up with a new quietness and confidence, and receive a new movement of Holy Spirit in your life.

Shabbat Shalom,
Chuck D. Pierce