
A Tour Like No Other: Securing the Glory Along the Border!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Dear Way Makers:

This week’s Border Tour has been just incredible!  I’ve been on other tours and prayer journeys, but this assignment is like no other.  We are seeing God’s order for a glory breakthrough.  Last night’s gathering in Del Rio was just amazing, and the Spirit of God is saying, “A new tent is being established in Del Rio … a tabernacle that has not been seen.  It is time for Me to restore, align the promises of the past, and bring David’s Tabernacle into a new fullness in Del Rio.  The tent is now forming and the glory is coming down.  Get ready, for it will be known that Del Rio has become an explosive portal in the earth!”

As we traveled today from Del Rio to Laredo, we stopped at Amistad Dam as well as Eagle Pass.  While at the Amistad Dam, I heard the Spirit of God say, “I am now bringing  down the Sword of Heaven into this portion of the land. I have brought you here to welcome the sword. That sword now is going to cut loose the hope deferred and despair that has held captive the land and the waters. I am bringing down the Sword so that the end of despair will come and a new beginning will begin to rise up.  So watch the ending closely over the next several months, for there will be great endings and great beginnings, and the Sword has now entered the land.”  Please continue to stand with us in prayer as we finish our last gatherings in Laredo and McAllen.  Be a part of reconciling the land and asking the Lord to release the glory that will cover both sides of the border!

Please continue to stand with us in prayer as we finish our last gatherings in Laredo and McAllen.  Be a part of reconciling the land and asking the Lord to release the glory that will cover both sides of the border!

Chuck D. Pierce

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