Dear Advancing Ones:
This is a month when I AM God Your Healer manifests (Ex. 15:26)! Yesterday, as we began to sing There Was Jesus, the atmosphere changed and a window of miraculous healing opened for all of us. If we are to press to Pentecost and beyond, we must welcome Holy Spirit’s “rattling” and move in a new way! Enter into the worship and ministry from this Celebration Service, and open to The Healer breaking forth in you!
My Spittle Unmasks the Mask!
This month (Iyar) is a time of divine healing, and we saw The Healer manifest during yesterday’s service. This Prophecy Center video will help you invite Jesus to manifest in your life. Do not resist how He chooses to visit with His miraculous power.
From Hood to Good!
Yesterday, we sent out Gerald and Junita Middleton into their evangelistic production of “From Hood to Good!” This stage play is a story of transformation, redemption and the God who made it possible. For those who are local and would like to attend this free outreach, the performance is this Saturday (May 1) at 6 PM at Lifeline Church (2800 Pennsylvania Dr, Denton TX).
Chuck D. Pierce