A Breaking Open and Pouring Out!
Dear Advancing Ones:
What an overwhelming time of experiencing God’s presence and breaking open our worship before Him! What an invitation to respond to the Waymaker and pour out our hearts of gratitude! What a lavish expression of giving our best worship to the One who has never lost a battle … and never will! All throughout our Celebration Service, the Lord was inviting us to go beyond – to allow Him to do something unexpected as we responded to His presence. We are finishing the Hebrew month of Tevet, a key time of choosing to respond to the Light. Receiving always merits a response. As Robert Heidler shared, Samson is an example of someone greatly blessed by God but who did not respond to that blessing with a heart for God. Similarly, the tribe of Dan did not respond to God in faith and obedience but refused to confront the enemy in the territory God had given them. If you were not able to join us yesterday, I encourage you to watch the replay and respond to the Light! I decree your thinking will shift to not only receive what the Lord is bringing you but to reply by breaking open your alabaster box of worship.
Remember Today!

A Breaking Open and Pouring Out of Prophetic Revelation!
We never want to hinder the River of Revelation that is flowing from Heaven through this portal. Here is a portion of the prophetic ministry that broke forth in yesterday’s Celebration Service. When you encounter His glory this year, be determined to express your heart of worship!
“This is the day and this is the hour that I Am requiring you to break your alabaster box before Me, and give Me all of your worship and cast all of your cares on me. For I desire to take your heavy burden and exchange it for My yoke. Roll your worship on Me! Roll your worship on Me! Break it! Break it! Break it – and pour it out! Pour it out, and trust Me for the future.
“Walk the tightrope with Me. You’re trusting in your own mind – but I am calling you to walk the tightrope with Me. Walk the tightrope with Me and see the blessings I will pour out when you reach the other side. Do not fear the tightrope will break because My Spirit in you will make you buoyant like a hot air balloon. Be filled and walk, expecting Me to do something this year!
“There is redemption in the air — hear the sound of redemption in the air. I have redeemed you from and redeemed you into. I have put redemption in your hearts this hour – ask of Me. I have redeemed you for a purpose, and I have redeemed you to walk in a kingly and priestly anointing. Cry out to Me, for there are things you must understand and revelation I Am giving you in this hour – revelation to walk in the redemption that I bought for you. Think beyond and let Me go beyond. Let Me take you and do something you’re not expecting Me to do. Your faith moves Me! Your faith moves Me! Your faith in Me will bring your wholeness and redemption. Choose to believe in Me as your Waymaker and Promise Keeper!
“California, you have been reeling and rocking under this atmospheric river of wind and water. I have not forsaken you, but I Am returning to you the revelation of who I Am. I Am here to restore your focus on Me. I Am here to build your trust in Me. I Am here to fill you with joy, peace, wholeness, and gladness because of My presence.” (Brian Kooiman, Keevy Phillips, Chuck Pierce, William Cosey, Joe Burkett, Raven Vincent, Diane Roussel)
Chuck D. Pierce