
Be Sheltered!

Dear Sheltered Ones:

Here in North Texas, many of us were awakened to the sound of rain on Sunday morning.  I felt the heavens were stirring.   Ecclesiastes 3 says there comes a time for war.  There is a stirring of war throughout the lands, and these next two weeks are critical for the removal of coverings that are not from the Lord.  The King is in the Field, so allow the Lord to work with you. Stay focused on what He is doing in you, for it’s important that layers of lies are removed so we end our transition and come into a new beginning.  On Sunday, the Lord said,

“Shelter your place! Shelter your place! Find shelter under My wings. In the next two weeks there is a sheltering of My people developing. Fear not the atmosphere of conflict, for in the midst of sheltering I will see that you abide. Hear and ride, ride, ride out and ride into the new day ahead.  In that new day you will say ‘that is what was hidden in last season.’ Shelter yourself, for in the next two weeks I will be removing the coverings of what is not of Me.

To shelter means to protect yourself from bad weather, danger or attack. Because we are in a war season, we must understand how to be in our abiding place with the Lord. I see things getting more and more intense as we move forward in time because the god of this world is being confronted. I see the accuser will get stronger and stronger beginning these next two weeks, and his voice will escalate through February. When we hear or see the enemy, that is when God’s overcoming power should kick in to His people. In this year of speaking and decreeing, we should be decreeing the truth from our abiding place in God into the atmosphere around us. That is the concept of being sheltered under His Wing. In that place of abiding or shelter, all the benefits of Psalm 91 begin to be activated; as we shelter or remain or dwell under the Almighty (the Most High or mountain-like majestic God), we are above the enemy’s fray.

Here are a few things for you to decree over yourself:

  1. I will remain secure and rest, and no enemy will have power to withstand my decrees.
  2. The trap of the fowler will not tighten around me.
  3. I will not be afraid of terror during the night.
  4. I will not be afraid that deadly pestilence (any pandemic – Covid) will overtake me.
  5. I will not be afraid of any destruction that arises during the day.
  6. I will not live in the dread of danger.
  7. I will not be tripped up by the enemy, but I will tread upon those things that are greater than I – the lion, the cobra, and the serpent.
  8. I will confidently trust and rely upon the Lord.
  9. I will remove the spirit of abandonment from my life.
  10. I will decree that I will be satisfied and live all my days to their fullness.

Karen Vaughn sent me this word this morning:

As I was asking the Lord about some unfinished things in our lives that I am watching for He took me to Psalm 27:5, 6.  “For He will conceal me in His shelter on the day of trouble.  He will hide me in the folds of His tent.  He will set me high on a rock.  THEN my head will be lifted up above my surrounding foes.  I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy.  I will sing, sing praises to Adonai.”  

As I asked the Lord for strategy for the situations,  His answer was, “You will only be lifted up above the situations, get breakthrough over them as you stay sheltered in Me. This is My work and your place is abiding, trusting.”  


Chuck D. Pierce

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