Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Dear Celebrating Ones:
This is a time for breakthrough in the unlocking and transferring of wealth. I fully believe understanding Firstfruits is the key to prospering in God’s time and order. Since I was 18, my whole life has been built around Firstfruits. I am already preparing my best for this Sunday when we celebrate Firstfruits for the Hebraic month of Adar 2. We will have one service at 9 AM, preceded by a time of food and fellowship beginning at 8 AM.
As I have traveled, many have raised questions about what a firstfruit is. A little over a year ago I recorded a video to answer many of these queries. I want all of you to understand how to enter into the CELEBRATION of FIRSTFRUITS and how it serves as your FAITH SEED for the future. Just a few of the questions I address are:
- How do I know what to give?
- What is a Firstfruits offering?
- What does it mean to activate the blessings of the month?
- Is Firstfruits just an Old Testament concept?
- How does Firstfruits operate if I lack resources?
By watching this video, I want you to be able to look at what you have in your hand at the beginning of each month and know what your best offering can be. So be sure to click HERE and watch this teaching to enter into a fuller understanding of Firstfruits. Even if you watched this before, I believe it will give you an even greater understanding now. When we choose to give Him the first of our time and increase, He sanctifies both our time and our finances. We also position ourselves to hear the revelation and receive the blessings that the LORD prepared for this time frame.
Chuck D. Pierce