Dear Advancing Ones:
The Lord has benefits that we can celebrate each time we gather. Yesterday’s service was an incredible time of expressing the joy we have in Him, as well as remembering His benefits. Too often, we only see what is negative in trauma, doubt and unbelief; but there are benefits to be found if you partner with Holy Spirit and allow Him to change your thought processes to see those circumstances in a whole new way. If you were not able to join our Celebration Service and hear what the Lord showed me on “Expressing Joy! Going Beyond Doubt, Unbelief and Trauma!”, I encourage you to watch the replay. In this year of divine recovery, declare that He is anointing you for restoration and thrusting you into the future!
THE LIFT with James & Robyn Vincent at 7 PM!
This is a week to reach new heights in worship. If you need to be “lifted” to continue expressing joy, then you will want to join James and Robyn Vincent this evening. They will begin hosting THE LIFT, a monthly prophetic gathering to experience the law of lift in worship. Everyone is invited to join them in the Upper Room (formerly known as the Prayer Tower) at 7 PM CDT for this time of ascending through the portal and reflecting the blueprint of heaven in the earth. If you cannot attend onsite, this ecclesia worship will also be live webcast, as well as available by replay through tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. Of course, we will also make THE LIFT available on GZI TV All Access. As we ascend, let’s declare that oppression, depression and every restraining force will let go as we establish a new heavenly trajectory in worship.
Bringing Some “SHINE” to Corinth’s Pumpkin Palooza!
This past Saturday afternoon, over 50 Illuminate performers from our Music, Theater and Dance training programs were able to provide incredible entertainment for Corinth’s Pumpkin Palooza. What an honor to be a portion of that day-long festival, connecting, and aligning the generations to bring God’s glory into our city. We are so grateful for how you enable us to be a light to our community!

Chuck D. Pierce