We have entered one of the most mystical times in our modern history, which will result in a dimension of supernatural encounters beyond what we have ever known. Don’t miss joining us on May 14-15 for CREATING A SUPERNATURAL ATMOSPHERE! We have an amazing team who will help unlock mysteries and the angelic hosts, including Blake Healy, Bobby Connor, Daniel & Amber Pierce, James Goll, Kent Mattox, Kevin Zadai, Robert Heidler, Tim Carscadden, and Tim Sheets.
Statement Regarding Freedom
This week is a time for reflection and choice. The week ahead is a week for us to honor and appreciate nurses, who confront disease and death on a weekly basis, not just during the time of Covid- 19. We thank you for your bravery and loyalty and your freedom to face death on behalf of so many.
This is a time for wisdom and freedom. Let me bottom line something about this Covid situation… I appreciate the caution to danger. What if many nurses had chosen to be a conscientious objector. I think of the movie, Sargent York. Though he was a conscientious objector, he fought and caused liberty and freedom to advance for a nation.
We still need the freedom to choose and be accountable for our own actions. No person must be forced to blindly agree with every restriction initiated by a public source. I must respect Costco’s decision to place a requirement on all customers to wear masks. If I choose not to wear a mask, I must eliminate Costco from my choice of shopping. Real simple. Costco should be free and so should I.
I am free to stay home or press through into a new outward norm, respecting other’s liberties but not giving up my own. If parents want their children to play baseball, they are responsible for the well being of their children—not the government.
Your will and conscience is important. Respect others but don’t violate your freedom to be who God made you to be in a nation whose reputation is valued and respected for freedom.
There is so much conflicting information in the world right now. Much political interjection to influence thought and choice. Therefore, I must lean into wisdom not fear and trust God to protect me and guide me. Do the same!
Chuck D. Pierce