
Day 8 – Striving for Your Prosperity

What can we do to make prosperity come to us?  What happens when we feel that we have lost our inheritance, and how do we gain it back?  All I can say is that God never gives up on us!  That’s a pretty amazing thing to think about really.  He has every opportunity to give up on us, but yet He doesn’t.  God WANTS to see us prosper and He WANTS to see us come into the inheritance, destiny, and prosperity that He has destined for us.

Ruth 1:16-17 says, “But Ruth said: ‘Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.  Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried.  The Lord do so to me, and more so also, if anything but death parts you and me.’”  What does this passage about Ruth tell us?  First off, she KNEW that the Lord had destined her for something great.  She was not going to be complacent and go back to just “living a life” and going through the motions in order to only exist and “get by”.  So many times, we feel that if we are “getting by” we are succeeding and doing what God has planned for us.  Absolutely not!  God has no desire for us to just make it through.  He desires for us to thrive in our lives!  Ruth desired to thrive.  Verse 18 of the first chapter says she was “determined” and she was determined because she knew that God had great plans for her life.

Read the book of Ruth.  Tell the Lord that you are “determined” to walk in the prosperity that He has planned for your life.  There will always be hard times that you must go through, but choose to be determined to walk them out, just like Ruth did.  Then, your destiny and prosperity will unfold in front of you! Ruth went from desolation, to gleaning, to reaping, to owning!

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