Dear Advancing Ones:
I never take for granted the ability to worship! Yesterday’s Firstfruits Celebration for Elul was an incredible time of gathering (onsite and online) to honor the Lord by giving back to Him the first and best of all He has given us. Although last month (Av) may have been narrow and trying, when we rejoice in God’s faithfulness it releases faith for the month ahead. If there is breath within you, allow Firstfruits to be your opportunity to sound your praise and thank God for what He has done, as well as His desire to meet us in the field! As Robert Heidler shared in “The Hebrew Month of Elul: Entering the Season of God’s Favor”, the King is very accessible. This is our time to choose to go out, give ourselves to Him, and receive His favor. I declare you will walk in the shalom of God this month. Set aside time to watch our Firstfruits Celebration and meet the King in the field!
The Water is Alive!
This is a month when what has seemed complex will be made simple, and what has clouded our vision will be washed away. This amazing Illuminate dance video set to the original GZI song, The Water is Alive, will help wash you clean and raise you from the deep. As you watch it, declare that you are not afraid to go deeper!

Chuck D. Pierce