Dear Advancing Ones:
One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish.” (AMP). As I shared on Sunday morning, this is a key time to cry out for the revelation that will position us for our future. With regards to the Tabernacle construction, I am seeking the Lord for His vision of how this portal will look and operate in days ahead. I don’t want the success of previous gatherings to carry into the new just because it was our best for the last eight years. Rather, I want to understand God’s call for the Tabernacle so we can gain the vision to facilitate the desires of His heart. As you can see below, great progress is being made in the natural. In addition to praying for the safe and timely completion of this project, declare that in this season of enlargement we will corporately receive new vision for a new era.

Chuck D. Pierce