Monday, March 25, 2019
Dear Advancing Ones:
God’s eye is on the nation of Indonesia! This is the time for the people of God in this nation to prosper! Indonesia will complete its purpose and destiny to affect all of Asia! I ministered the “keys of prosperity” to leaders in Jakarta on Saturday and prophesied that these keys will begin to open doors that have never been opened!
On Sunday night, Chad and I ministered in Batam, a small island in northern Indonesia that sits between Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. We met in the King’s Hotel, which is the highest point in the city. Batam must come into a new watchman call, and is a key to this whole region. We decree over this island that it will UNLOCK this entire region!
We are now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for our final day of meetings with Church Renewal Fellowship. We depart on Tuesday evening and fly all night to arrive back home on Wednesday morning. Please pray for our final day of meetings here, as well as our travel. If you would like to give into this Kingdom trip you can donate online, by calling our office at 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940-382-7231, or by postal mailing your donation to Glory of Zion, PO Box 1601, Denton TX 76202
Chuck D. Pierce