Dear Advancing Ones:
One of my favorite books that I have written is Possessing Your Inheritance. Published in 1998 and co-authored by Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, the opening chapter reads:
Change! Conflict! Fear! Wars! Rumors of wars! Generations battling generations! Generations warring within themselves! The world is changing so quickly that many awaken with anxiety to each new day. I agree with Rick Joyner who says, “Change is now coming on the world so fast, that the only thing we can count on is change.” How do we respond to all the changes around us? Do they overtake us? Are we a people being tossed to and fro with every societal, environmental and religious change that comes along?
For many, change can bring fear. Change is hard since we can’t see the future and yet are required to let go of what we presently know. Essentially, there is a death that takes place, and for many this transition brings great fear. However, God’s word declares: “Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times” (Is. 33:6), and “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan. 11:32).
In a time of great change, we know the Lord has directed us to leave behind the familiar and press forward with a major renovation in the Tabernacle and how we communicate in days ahead. We are so grateful for your prayers and support in this process, as we seek to be guided and directed in His time and wisdom. We are also believing for exploits – taking our available resources and causing multiplication to occur in many areas. Below is the update I received on yesterday’s progress from Justin Rana:
- The trussing for the screen is now in place
- The backlight truss has been removed per plan
- The front light truss has been moved back 6 feet per plan
- The speakers have begun to be moved per plan
- Stage tiers on order
- Ordering additional drape tomorrow
- Ordering additional lighting tomorrow
- The carpet was ripped up and cleaned up today
- The floor layout began in the back by the welcome center area
- The new stage truss install began
All the teams are working well and at this point everything is ahead of schedule!
I also love this short video from my sister, Penny Pierce, who is overseeing the project.

I am declaring the changes you are encountering in this season will jar your vision to perceive the good future that awaits you! If you would like to sow into the changes here that will help take all of us to the next level, you can donate by pushpay, by texting gloryofzion to 77977, by calling our office at 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940-382-7231, or by postal mailing your gift to Glory of Zion, PO Box 1601, Denton TX 76202. GIVE NOW
Chuck D. Pierce