Join Us Online Today for Best of 2022 Worship at 9 AM and Best of 2022 Shabbat at 6 PM!
Dear Advancing Ones:
Korea is entering its whirlwind season! By the time you receive this email, I will already be flying back from “Turning Our Nation Back to God!”, an incredible HIM Korea conference hosted in Seoul, Korea, by Apostle Che Áhn and Dr. Hong. This is the first nation I have gone back to worship with in the last three years. This year Korea goes into its whirlwind season, and for the next three years it will be turnaround, turnaround, turnaround! Words the Spirit of God has spoken over Korea the last 70 years will now begin to come alive! In a year of Kingdom war, there will be a redefining of the Kingdom of God in this nation. Korea will shift from the prayer movement into apostolic-prophetic conquest, and many who rejected the church will be drawn to the Kingdom. Join me in declaring over Korea, “Your new portion is coming!”

Starting the Year Off Right Continues with Best of 2022!
We have a great online schedule for you today, beginning with our next daily devotion for maintaining and recovering your spiritual life at 9 AM. Today’s focus is on the spiritual discipline of worship. Expressing our love for the Lord personally and corporately is so key, and you will find the real war in divine recovery revolves around worship. This devotion will be followed by a special compilation of the best worship from our 2022 conferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new expressions of worship as you develop your spiritual life in 2023. Then at 6 PM, we have some of the best from our 2022 Shabbat services to help you enter a new dimension of rest in the year ahead. Enter in and declare, “The best is yet ahead!”
I hope you also set aside time tomorrow (Saturday) morning for our final devotion as well as a 2022 Prophecy Review. We war with our prophetic words – so I encourage you to hear what has been released and be reminded of the mind and heart of God for your future. And don’t miss joining us on Sunday at 9 AM for a special Celebration Service here at the Global Spheres Center. I look forward to Judah going first in worship and Robert Heidler’s teaching on Psalm 23 and the blessings of knowing the Shepherd! All of you are welcome to join this concluding service online or by webcast (live or replay).
Friday at 9 AM: Devotions with Chuck Pierce; TY Bello, Julie Meyer and GZI Best of Conference Worship from 2022
Friday at 6 PM: Best of Shabbat 2022
Saturday at 9 AM: Devotions with Chuck Pierce; 2022 Prophecy Review
Sunday at 9 AM: Onsite Celebration Service with Robert Heidler teaching on Psalm 23
Chuck D. Pierce