Dear Advancing Ones:
At this time of year, we remember how the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. My heart’s desire is that God’s Word becomes active within us. I really believe this is an amazing time to read the book of Luke to understand the whole story of Yeshua, our Messiah, from His birth to His crucifixion and resurrection. This will help you get the Word of God flowing in you chapter by chapter, and day by day.
I know that many of you prefer to listen to recordings. Therefore, we are also preparing audio recordings for you to listen to each chapter to allow the Word to penetrate you through sound. However you choose to enter in, by reading it yourself or via the recordings provided below, allow the Word to come alive and be built in you in a new way.
The first six chapters of Luke have been posted on our website as well as GZI TV so that will get you through December 6. We will then be posting the next chapters in chunks as they are ready.
You have two options to listen:
- On our website (click here)
- On GZI TV (click here)
Chuck D. Pierce