
New Beginnings!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dear Advancing Ones:

We have crossed over into a new season, and are seeing this manifest in Israel with the new Glory of Zion Jerusalem Ministry Center.  Daniel and Amber just moved the last of their belongings out of the old center in Talpiyot, and now everything has crossed over to the Train Station location!   They are so excited that construction is almost completed.  They had hoped to open today, but with some unexpected delays, will officially open next Thursday, May 9.  This video and pictures show how amazing the new center at 28 Hebron Road will be.

Daniel and Amber share:

Though it is natural to want to look ahead, we run the risk of missing the things God needs us to see at this time. Time is never meaningless for Him and if we try to jump ahead, we may not learn the very lessons that will so benefit us in the season to come. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”  We are excited to enter into a new season … a season of progress and glory.  We look forward to our first gathering at 6:30 PM on Thursday, May 9!

Limitless Glory Pentecost Celebration in Jerusalem on June 5-6 !

We are also excited to host our upcoming Pentecost Celebration on June 5-6!  As you can see, Apostle Chuck Pierce and a team will be coming from Texas to join other leaders here in Israel.  This will also be when we dedicate the new Ministry Center.  If you feel you could attend, or are on a tour Israel at that time, please visit www.gloryofzionjerusalem.org for more details and contact us HERE.

Chuck D. Pierce

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