
Panama Update!

Dear Advancing Ones:

Thank you so much for praying for our ministry in Panama.  On Saturday, we took a boat prayer journey through the Panama Canal — one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World. We worshiped all the way through the canal, made prophetic decrees, and did prophetic acts as the Lord led us.   It was amazing that two times while we were in-between gates, the water levels had to rise 27 feet and 36 feet for us to proceed.  When we went through the gates, the double gate closed behind us. We also passed one of the largest transport vessels in the world. All of what we experienced is very important for the year ahead; so we compiled a short video so you can accompany us on this key prayer journey. Click below to come on board!

On Sunday, I spoke at two amazing gatherings in Panama before flying out yesterday to minister with Dutch Sheets in Charlotte, North Carolina for A Double Portion of Harvest Glory!  Thank you for helping break forth the glory of God, from nation to nation!  Tomorrow, I have a day to rest before leaving again on Thursday morning for the HAPN Annual Gathering in Oklahoma City, and then a week of ministry across Europe.  Continue to join me in praying for the release of The Movement that will affect the nations of the world.

Chuck D. Pierce

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