Dear Preparing Ones:
I woke up early this morning to spend time with the Lord during this time of rearranged schedules and boundaries. Many times we need to get quiet to gain clarity on how the Lord is calling us to advance, from day to day. During tomorrow’s Celebration Service, I look forward to sharing on “Tightening Our Belt!” He first spoke this to me on January 1, and it’s vital that we gain further understanding during this time of global realignment. During this same service, Robert Heidler will be helping us gain insight on this season of crossing over. You don’t want to miss his teaching on “Preparation for Passover: When Judgment Fell on Egypt” (Part One).
To comply with ordinances, only certain staff will be serving onsite tomorrow. Therefore, let me ask you to stay home once again and webcast. For many of you, this is the norm, and we’re so grateful you choose to enter into this Holy Spirit movement that has no limits. Similar to last week, we will have one service that begins with worship at 9 AM. I encourage you to have your communion elements prepared as we press into this month of Nisan (Abib).
Nisan is a firstfruits month, so as we joyfully give throughout this month we are setting our course for the whole year ahead. You can donate online by Pushpay, by texting gloryofzion to 77977, by calling our office at 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940-382-7231, or by postal mailing your gift to Glory of Zion, PO Box 1601, Denton TX 76202.
Entering Spring!
Nisan is the month of SPRING BEGINNING! I know many of you already watched the Garden Video we sent out for Shabbat last night. Here are some additional pictures to help you step into this time of new beginnings.
A Special Message from Pam Pierce

Blessings, Chuck D. Pierce |