
Preparing for the New Year and Gaining an Extraordinary Spirit!

Key Prophecy: Shelter Your Place for I Will Be Removing Coverings!

Dear Advancing Ones:

We are completing a year of transition and preparing to go through the door of a new year.  This is a crucial time to reconcile our past so we can step into a new beginning.  Yesterday’s Celebration Service was an incredible time of worship, revelatory release, and preparing for the new Hebraic year that is less than three weeks away.  Unlocking the mysteries of God is a vital part of this preparation.  As Robert Heidler taught, God is a God of mysteries and often chooses to communicate in ways we can’t easily understand.  However, He reveals His secrets to those who seek Him.  Be sure to watch the replay and learn six keys for unlocking God’s mysteries and gaining an extraordinary spirit. 

Shelter Your Place for I Will Be Removing Coverings!

Here in North Texas, many of us were awakened to the sound of rain yesterday morning.  I felt the heavens were stirring.   Ecclesiastes 3 says there comes a time for war.  There is a stirring of war throughout the lands, and these next two weeks are critical for the removal of coverings that are not from the Lord.  The King is in the Field, so allow the Lord to work with you. Stay focused on what He is doing in you, for it’s important that layers of lies are removed so we end our transition and come into a new beginning.  What follows is a portion of the prophetic release from yesterday’s Celebration Service.

“Shelter your place! Shelter your place! Find shelter under My wings. In the next two weeks there is a sheltering of My people developing. Fear not the atmosphere of conflict, for in the midst of sheltering I will see that you abide. Hear and ride, ride, ride out and ride into the new day ahead.  In that new day you will say ‘that is what was hidden in last season.’ Shelter yourself, for in the next two weeks I will be removing the coverings of what is not of Me.

“I Am removing the sheet off of men of African American descent in this country. Even now, Black man, it is time for you to rise and lead this country into freedom again. You have been imprisoned in your mind and your body way too long. The word of the prophet went forth five years ago saying African Americans will lead this nation in worship and in freedom; it is time now to rise from your homes. In these two weeks, I Am circumcising your eyes so you can see, and I Am circumcising your hearts so you can love again. America is on the comeback and the Black man in America is leading the way into freedom. 

“Watch the changing of the guards. Watch the changing of the guards because in the changing place is where vulnerability occurs. Watch now, for guards are changing; find your position along the wall. Find your call to be a runner throughout the earth. Find your position to spread the message that I have, for the guard is now changing. Refocus your vision. I have watched you put your hope in man when I am re-positioning an army throughout the earth. It’s that army, it’s those that I will be putting in place, that become the keys to breaking forth the future of lands. Watch, watch, watch for this is not a day where man is leading forth. This is the day where I have come to set a new guard on the wall.  I Am a God that dismantles. Did I not say to Jeremiah ‘tear down, that things can be rebuilt’? This will be known as the time that things became dismantled so that they could be established again.

“Don’t allow the shrapnel from the war and conflict in your atmosphere to penetrate your eyes. Don’t allow the judgments from your past bloodlines to cause your eyes to be planked up. For this is the time that I Am opening eyes. I Am opening eyes to things that have never been opened up. Watch the dragon, for the dragon is on the move. The dragon is blowing fire and the only way you can change the fire of the dragon is to have the fire and the Spirit of burning. My fire can overcome the fire of the dragon that is surrounding.

“I have had My eye on the silent assassin and what has slipped through the guard at night. Know that in the striking of the lightning there are seven hosts of angelic assistance that I am sending. Seven posts of seven hosts representing the manifold wisdom, the sevenfold Spirit, of who I Am. My eye has been on the silent assassin and I Am sending seven hosts to seven posts in My world that will establish posts of righteousness, posts of justice who carry My wisdom and My discernment. In the striking of the lightning and in the sound of the thunder, know that My host of angelic assistance has been released.”  (Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Marty Cassady, Tobias Lyons, Cedric Hatcher)



Chuck D. Pierce

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