From the Vault: The Next Two Years Will Be A Swamp – October 2018
Sometimes we forget the real enemy who opposes us. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5, Paul asks the people, “Do you not know who opposes you?” We live in a fallen world controlled by antichrist systems. Antichrist has a progressive strategy for oppression and captivity. He begins with antisemitic tactics, continues to attempt to destroy prophets who unveil his strategies, abuses and oppresses women, annihilates First Peoples of a nation, and then develops strategies for more populous groups of people to dominate less populous groups of people. We are a chosen people who have been set in time and place to destroy his works. Racism is a product of an antichrist system that is fueled by Mammon.
Here is a word that I gave in October 2018. This will encourage you in that we, the Body of Christ, still have a war ahead in this area, but victory is on the horizon. God’s purpose for His people is “ONE NEW MAN.” This goes beyond religion, race, and gender. This One New Man will be a triumphant force in the earth realm in days ahead. Listen to this word to know that we must keep pressing forward into the perfect plan of our Father.

Chuck D. Pierce