Dear Pressing Ones:
First of all … YOU BRING US JOY! In my whole life, I don’t think I have ever stayed home this long without traveling. This divine pause changes how things operate, and I want to thank each one of you for doing your best to bless us. We do our best to channel your blessings to many others in need as well. I am so thankful that the Lord had us learn how to do services online so we can continue pulling revelation through the portal here at the Global Spheres Center. If you have not already watched yesterday’s JOY Video (or would like to watch it again), stop now and view it!

I just finished a book with Alemu Beeftu called Rekindle the Altar Fire. We will let you know when Chosen Books publishes it later this year. I would appreciate your prayers on a new writing project, A Modern Day Passover. I just started writing a manuscript for Charisma House in the hopes of completing this in the next 10 days. This should greatly help all of us understand how God speaks and how we watch after the word. This book will also give us a record of how the Body of Christ is changing in this new era.
A Complete Summary of What the Lord has Shown Me Since September 2019
I started prophesying last September that this year would be a “True Passover.” Even though we have celebrated many Passovers, the Spirit of God said this would be the year that we would really have to understand Passover. He said plague-like conditions would hit the earth, and February, March and April would be hellish. But He was looking at nations to see which nations “PASSED OVER.” I then began to see that the real issue would be an economic rearrangement throughout the world. I see that if we celebrate and honor His Blood, the death structure that is gripping these nations will shift at Passover. I see that the death toll in the nations that celebrate and honor His Blood and acknowledge Him will start decreasing after Passover. But remember, once the Israelites passed over they still had 40 days to press through into their promise. They had great problems during that 40-day period, and postponed their promise for 40 years. I decree that during this 40-day period there will be no postponement. This is exactly what the Spirit of God said to me and what I have been saying since September.
Prophetic Revelation to Keep You Advancing!
We had several people send in revelation while watching this service. Here are some wonderful words that should help you advance in this time of realignment.
“I am taking wandering minds into the place of ease where focus is. I will be in the center of the panorama. Even as heads turn in the opposite direction, I will be in the center of the panorama. Removing idols of excesses in routines clears minds, hearts and ears. You will say, ‘This is truly new.’ My miraculous healing power will be seen by legions. Those that want to fight Me by ignoring Me will be set apart from My lovers. That separation frees up my people from that which would distract them. The sound of the enemy will lose its power as the sour notes are drowned out by the song of praises, victory and thankfulness.” (Mark Waldrep)
It is the calm before the storm, releasing Hope, Healing, and Harvest! It is a firestorm outpouring, a Passover to remember! In Acts as 120 were sheltered-in, waiting until the wind, the fire, and power came, it changed everything. The harvest sickles were distributed and harvest begun – it shall be now! The release of season of great miracles as God realigns hearts! (Steven Springer)
The Lord just revealed to me what season we are in. I remember Chuck prophesied that we need to tighten our belts to get ready to do great exploits for the kingdom. What was spoken to me is that we are in Ephesians 6:10-17 season. The belt is one of the 7 weapons in the armor of God. It’s one of the first steps that we should take in this coming season. The belt represents the spirit of truth. We need to tighten our belts based on what Holy Spirit is saying and doing this season. Now the following step after the belt is the breastplate of righteousness, or body armor of God’s righteousness. When we implement these seven steps of the armor of God, we will be able to do exploits against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. (Kendrick Lewis)
Recently as I was reading through social media and various intriguing tweets concerning the times we are living in today, I stopped and said, “Lord, do You know about all of this?” You can laugh; He did. It’s not unusual for me to sense a holy chuckle at some of my questions for Him. But my question to Him that day set some things in motion for me in my understanding of Him.
When you grow up in the church as I did, subconscious beliefs can be left unquestioned. I have always known the Lord was with me. However, I still had His day-to-day interaction in history back in the Old and New Testament.
That day, though, something shifted in me. He was in person in all of those major events in history. He was here in the midst of WWI and WWII, among His people, directing events. As He specifically gave Joshua instructions on the battle against Jericho, He gives His instructions now. He was here for the Twin Towers, the Challenger, the currents wars. He was not the cause of them; the fallen world is. But He was in the midst of them. And He is with us in the midst of this season now.
We are in a war right now, and it’s bigger than the corona virus…much bigger. It’s a battle between good and evil with very defined boundaries. It’s national, but it’s much bigger than that. It’s a Kingdom battle manifesting in the natural. It’s been a secret war behind the scenes for decades globally, but it hasn’t been a secret to the Lord. He still has His Joshuas and is downloading into them the strategies they have need of in this war. And in this battle I believe He has a Cyrus in President Trump.
This morning I was looking for a verse in Isaiah. Unbeknownst to me, I was in the wrong chapter, but I think I was supposed to see this verse. I had never noticed it before. “I called that bird of prey, Cyrus, sweeping in from the East, from a distant land he came, the man of my purpose. I have spoken, and yes, I will bring it to pass. I have formed My plan, and yes, I will do it.” Wow! Trump from the East (NY) from a distant land (not from the land of politics), the man of God’s purpose.
I know it can be so hard to see this natural season as spiritual. I suspect it’s because I am not the only one who has kept the historical involvement of the Lord in the pages of the Bible. But this is real, folks. He is right here with us in this season, right here with us in the midst of “the hidden enemy” Trump refers to. And while this refers to the virus on some level, I believe he is also referring to the age-old enemy of the covenant of God, of what is good and right and honest…an enemy hidden in the sophistication of the time we live in. While our Cyrus has always had an unusual way of stating things, sometimes I believe he is saying more to us than we have realized these days, speaking between the lines.
If you were one who struggled with my saying initially that the Lord chuckled at me, you may really struggle with what I am about to say. While I can’t remember the circumstances of this situation, I was talking to the Lord one day about a concern that seemed too big for me. I will never forget God’s playful, yet truthful, response that day to my feelings about the situation: “I am large and in charge!” So that’s my battle cry for this season. “He is large and in charge, and Jesus is My Rock!” Hallelujah. (Penny Jackson)
Isaiah 26:3 is wonderful in the Passion “…whose imaginations are consumed with You.” The Lord told me one time that a human imagination wholly owned by Holy Spirit is one of the most powerful forces there is. I am asking for this … it’s part of what is necessary for our triumph and exploits.
Many years ago I had a dream in which I was walking around the outside of a house that had incredible architectural detail on every single part of it, from large architectural features to the smallest minute detail work. In the dream I thought to myself “I could never imagine all these wonderful things if I was awake.” Well, it’s time to do just that…dream with your eyes wide open.
The Hebrew word in Isaiah 26 is “yetser” – meaning “form, concept, framework, imagination, mind.” Hebraically the number 39 equates with raw materials, and the number 40 with the process of those materials being shaped and formed and given identity…these “40’s” we are in and completing are times for our concepts, frameworks, minds, and imaginations to take on new forms and identities. (Lisa Lyons)
Blessings, Chuck D. Pierce |