
A New Anointing to See Demonic Activity

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips
Date Given: July 14, 2024

Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, watch carefully. For I am releasing a new anointing for you to see. For from July the 18th through the October the second, there will be an ascending dimension of demonic activity. But I say to you, I will cause my spirit to rise up in you and you will begin to soar above the demon activity that is being sent toward you. I say to you, watch carefully for you will see the plan that I have. I say there will be a climax coming in this nation between evil and between that which is longing to move into place. I will win this war, sayeth the Lord. For I’m raising a people that are above the people of this earth. I have a soaring people that will walk on water above the heads of those that are attempting to destroy my plan in the earth. Get ready for you will rise up above the waves and walk with great authority, sayeth the Lord.

Keevy Phillips – And the Lord would say to you, Let not your heart be troubled in this time. For the Lord says that as you see evil rise, I say, this is the ekklesia’s finest time in this nation. Let not your mind be confused. You’re creating the rumbling that’s happening in this nation. I say fear not the future. Fear not the future. But the Lord says, We must go through this time of hell so we can have a future for the next three generations. Let not your heart grow weary for the battle is intensified, but you have already overcome. You have already overcome. Let not your heart be troubled, says the Spirit of the Lord.

Chuck Pierce – I have already prepared your place, so keep your eye above the storm. Keep your eye above the waves. Walk with confidence even though things feel unsteady around you, for I have prepared your destination and I will see to it that you get there.

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