
A Reuniting Identity Is Coming to the Chickasaw Nation

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: April 6, 2023

Chuck Pierce – And one word that is very important in the Chickasaw language is how heart and land are connected together. And it produces a demonstration in the Chickasaw people. The Chickasaw people are the only sovereign tribe that did not give up their identity, that really stayed and warred to remain sovereign in a special way. And there’s a word over you that is so important right now. And I would say to you, I would say to the people of this lineage, you will now wear healing into your future. You will now demonstrate a prosperity and instead of just being called to your tribe, you’ll begin to be an example and prototype to help other tribes prosper in new ways. I say, I am calling you in a new way to this nation. I will give you doors into this nation that no other group have ever been given, and I will cause your voice to be sound and I will cause it to be sure. And you will demonstrate the sovereignty that still remains in your DNA. I say, get ready for in the year ahead you will be traveling to places you have not gone before and get ready, you will be voicing things that have never been voiced. And I will reunite even an identity in you that has been broken and it will cause you to be stronger than you’ve ever been. I say protect your prosperity for the enemy would love to assign itself against the prosperity of these people. I say protected, be one step ahead of the enemy and you will end up being instrumental in leading a nation into victory.

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