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Voices: Anne Tate, Elaine Priestly, John Dickson, Lisa Lyons, Tim Moore, Tobias Lyons
Date Given: January 15, 2020
John Dickson – The Lord says step out because I am raising the ax head. I am making the ax head to float. That which you thought you lost I am bringing it to the surface where you can take it again. Now, begin to prophesy, begin to prophesy, because it was the prophet that I brought to raise the ax head, it was the prophet that I brought to raise the ax head. You need to speak to that thing that is lost, speak to that thing that you thought you would never use again. Speak to that thing that was a value to you, but now you no longer possess it, speak to it, I am raising the ax head and I’m making it float. So begin to dance and sing and rejoice and begin to prophesy to your ax head, it’s gonna come back into place, you’re gonna fit it on a new ax handle and it’s gonna do that which I created it to do.
Lisa Lyons – That ax head was borrowed, so the loss of an ax head was a debt. So Father, we thank you that as this restoration comes forth, God, that you’re gonna show us where the debts we still carry are. Father, be it unforgiveness, be it judgments, be it any kind of debt, Lord, whether we’re conscious of it or not, Lord, we thank you that in restoration you will reveal those to us. Because we say those debts are not coming with us into the new place. Father, we commit, we make, Lord, commitment to you, to say, God, we release anything and everything, anything we owe will be restored, will be returned, will be released in the name of Jesus.
John Dickson – And stop trying to get the job done with an ax handle. You’re beating the tree, you’re beating the tree, but it has no edge, it has no iron. It’s just wood on wood, you need sharp iron on wood. And the Lord says, I am raising the ax handle to put back in your hands the sharpened iron, the two-edged sword of the Holy Spirit. Begin to look in the murky waters. Stop beating the tree with an ax handle. Look down in those murky waters, reach down in those murky waters, I’m bringing it back up so you can complete your task.
Elaine Priestly – So I hear the Lord saying stop beating the prodigals, stop beating them and beating them and beating them and beating them. I hear the Lord say speak to them, speak to them and call them home. Speak to them and say let there be light. The Lord said as you speak, I send the angels and I’ll be the one to bring them in, I’ll be the one that captures them, I’ll do it! The Lord say you speak, you look up to heaven, and allow me to be God in their life! He say ’cause I could speak to ’em through a rock, I can speak to ’em through anything! He say speak and it shall happen.
Tobias Lyons – Now Father, we speak, Father, a revival anointing into every institution, Father, that houses those who need recovery. Father, we say let the Spirit of God fall in those places, whether private, public, government, Father, every institution, Father, that has, that houses those gifts that have yet to be untapped, that have yet to come forth, that have yet to be fulfilled. Father, we speak an anointing and a revival wind to rush in, Father, to bombard those places. We say there is no wall that can house the gifts that you spoke into being. In Jesus’ name.
Tim Moore – And we declare over those prodigals that they are the ax head, we say, we call them forth into their identity in this season. Father, we say that they are not those who have drifted down to the bottom and will be rotted by the waters, but we say that they are coming to new resurrection life. We even say that the baptism waters will begin to resurrect those who have fell away. We say that they’ll begin to rise up into new strength, we’ll say they’ll begin to prophesy with a sharp word and that they will begin to cut and to splinter, split the cedars of Lebanon, that the structures, the things that’d been set up in the systems, Father, we call them forth into their identity, into the prophetic voice that you have called them in this season.
Anne Tate – Lord, I really, I see you releasing dates. I see dates, dates, dates, and these are for the prodigals. There’s a day appointed to you for resurrection life! There’s a day appointed to you to come home! There’s a day appointed to you and new days are coming towards you. I saw thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of days.
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