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Voices: Amman Beeftu, Chuck Pierce, Justin Rana, Keevy Phillips, Michelle Hadley, Shatece McLeod
Date Given: May 7, 2023
Shatece McLeod – Speaking in Tongues
Keevy Phillips – And the Lord must say to you, “‘This is the day to fret not, for I am with you,’ says the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord says, ‘It is a day to commit to the path that I have for you and reopen and re-dig the well that’s inside of you,’ says the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord says, ‘Fret not the evildoers that are coming against you this week for I have already have a well inside of you that you need to re-dig to come up out of you. I say fret not this week. Fret not your finances this week, for I have a well inside of you that will bubble this week,’ says the Spirit of the Lord.”
Chad Foxworth – And the Lord says, “‘Through your fretting, you are being confused, you are being deceived.’ The Lord says, ‘Fret not anymore, for your confusion is intact.’ And the Lord says, ‘He is ready to come in and realign so you’re not deceived any longer. It is time to be exposed to the truth in Jesus’ name. Fret not anymore.'”
Michelle Hadley – And God says, “As faith rises up in you, every false construct of fear, anxiety, and stress are falling away.” And so let fear rise up. I’m sorry, faith, faith, faith.
Chuck Pierce – And the Lord says, “I will make you a shock factor this week against the enemy. Get ready, there is a shock factor in you that has never been flipped on. Get ready, I will flip your switch this week.”
Amman Beeftu – I heard a word for Chuck, but the Lord is saying that “I’m gonna shell shock whatever’s been trying to keep you in the past, whatever’s trying to keep you in a place of trauma, I’m gonna shell shock that, I’m gonna shell shock it and it’s not gonna be bothering you anymore.”
Chuck Pierce – Now, if there’s a part of your body you’re struggling with, either have someone lay a hand on it or you lay your hand on it. I’ve been struggling with my right eye. I’ve been struggling with my kidneys. You’ve seen people praying for it. Let’s do this right now. Lay your hand on somebody or lay your hand on yourself. You decree that the electricity of God is going to open up that which needs to be opened up in you, whether it’s your heart, whether it’s your kidneys, especially your kidneys this month, your eyes, your head, your esophagus, any area of you, prostate, anything that needs to be shell shocked, we decree God doing it this week.
Michelle Hadley – When I walked in this morning I heard the Lord say that “He is giving new kidneys. He is giving new kidneys.” I’m gonna say it again. When I walked in this morning, God says that “He is giving new kidneys, new kidneys.”
Justin Rana – I wanna share something that the Lord did with me this week. There’s a lot of transition going on. I think everybody is probably aware of that in their lives. And something that the Lord has been doing with me recently is, you know, I used to be a person that I would get a pair of shoes and I would wear those shoes, and wear those shoes, and wear those shoes for a long time, and recently He’s had me getting different pairs of shoes and I’ve started to take a liking to this. Chad can relate. But, you know, when they gave this word to Valerie, and there’s a little bit that I wanna say sort of corporately for those that I work with and I think it probably goes to everybody, but what happened this week was this. I have an app on my phone and it’s called the SNKRS app and I’m not really a sneaker head, okay, so I don’t really know how to use this app, but what happened this week was I got a message on my phone that popped up when I was at work and it said “shock drop” on it. The message came and I didn’t see it quickly enough, if you will, but I got on it, I got on this shock drop and it was a brand new pair of shoes that never had been released before.
They didn’t tell anybody they were gonna do it, but it was a very unique-looking pair of shoes and sadly, I did not get in line in time to get the pair of shoes, but what I wanna say is this. Two things, one, be on the lookout for the shock drop because here’s the thing, let me tell you something, and I want everybody to listen, the way that we think things are going to happen and the shoes that we think we’re gonna be wearing in the next season, you’ve never seen the shoes that you have to wear in the next season. And listen, listen, He did that to me. He did that to me because I’m somebody that likes to look into the future. I like to see what’s gonna happen next. I wanna know that for my comfort and He said, “Forget about it. You don’t know the shoes that I’m gonna put on your feet.” We don’t know the shoes that we’re gonna wear Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. He might change everything. So I’m just saying, you got shoes that you wear, but be ready for the shock drop.
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