
Be Who He Created You to Be

Voices: Amman Beeftu, Chuck Pierce
Date Given: July 7, 2019

Chuck Pierce – You know the real key this year is our identity. Who does God say you are? Look at somebody and say, that’s the real question. And the real question is, who do you say that He is? And no matter what you’re going through, don’t change, try to change into something you aren’t. You will never end up getting where He wants you to go if you try to be somebody you were never created to be. I prayed yesterday for us a lot and what I prayed was, that the unique gift in you would begin to manifest, instead of you trying to bring it through some sifter to make it look like something else. Now put your hand on somebody and say, you’re about to explode in who you are.

Amman Beeftu – I see the Lord saying that he is unraveling our DNA so that he can re-loom us into something that we haven’t even imagined ourselves to be, a new tapestry in our DNA, a new tapestry, that we couldn’t conceive that we could be formed into, so He is unraveling us to re-loom us.

Chuck Pierce – Tell somebody you just feel like you’re being unraveled and the way you’re gonna look, you will radiate in days ahead.

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