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Voices: Anne Tate, Darren Petersen, Judy Block, Stella Timmons
Date Given: March 7, 2021
Stella Timmons – Hear the Lord saying today that there’s a clarion call, and that the call will be so loud for the next five days, you will hear a tone, you will hear a pitch, you will hear perfect tune, because it is a clarion call, and I’m saying come up higher. I’m saying open up your ears to hear, I’m saying be able to see what I will show you in the next five days, because it will be so clear that you won’t be able to miss it.
Judy Block – Wow! Well, this morning on my way here I asked Holy Spirit, what is the sound? What is the new sound of the new era? And He said is the sound of many waters. And He showed me He said that in the beginning when He opened up the earth and the flood came forth it is that same sound is coming out of His people. It is the sound of many waters, the sound of the highest praise, the sound of His anointing oil flowing from His people throughout the earth. The whole earth is gonna make a sound. And it is the people, it is the roar of God and His river and His people.
Darren Peterson – So in response to the word that came a moment ago about how God’s gonna send a sound this week over the next five days, I spent all day yesterday thinking about intonation, intonation, is the musician’s jargon for how to play in tune. And when God’s gonna send a sound, He’s gonna send a tone out, He’s gonna send out this thing, that’s something that you have to hear and then get in line with. Somebody told me when I was in music school, and it took a long time for me to hear this from them. Somebody told me intonation is just listening. Like you can’t play in tune until you actually listen to what’s going on around you and then bend to it. So I feel like the call this week is to stop and to slow down, to listen to what the Lord is doing and see what He’s doing in the circumstances around you. And then make the adjustment that bends you into tune with Him.
Anne Tate – And the Lord says, we’ve let the world tell us what our heart should look like, and how it should act. And that’s based on worldly mercy and compassion, not the mercy and compassion of the Lord. And the Lord says in this tone, I will redefine, I will renegotiate that the right tone is the tone that agrees with Me, that moves by My spirit to speak in situations by My spirit and not out of the spirit of the world. The Lord says I am retuning you. It is like He is hitting a tuning fork on our heads and in our spirits. Thank you Lord.
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