
California Will Burn With Revival Fires

Voices: Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce, John Dickson, Venner Alston
Date Given: January 12, 2025

James Vincent – There is a fourth man in the fire. Woah.
Just meet the man you didn’t know. He’ll tell you that you are not alone. And he’ll pick you up. He’ll turn you around.

Chuck Pierce – Alright. Father, this is California’s hour. We ask you to pick them up, turn them around, let them feel your presence. Let them see you in the midst of the fire.
Father, we lose it right now.

Anne Tate – Lord, we lose the lightning of revelation. This is the year of lightning. We lose the lightning of revelation of who you are into California, to every person who’s lost anything. Let them be found by you in the name of Jesus.
Venner Alston – And in the same way that you have watched the embers and you have watched the fire blaze across California, watch what I will do in the days ahead, says the lord. For you will see the fire of revival that will break forth in California from the north to the south, and the east and the west. And you will see the move of my glory across that state. For I have a remnant there that has been calling on my name, and I am the one that will respond. California, get ready for a move of my spirit.
Revival will come to California.

Anne Tate – And we say, Lord, that the army will arise and be assembled in California. They will stand up.

John Dickson – And I lose the Azusa Street revival out of California. Lord, we say stir the ground up.
Yeah. And I lose the Jesus revival, the Jesus revolution out of out of California, and I am not finished raising revivals out of that place.

Chuck Pierce – Woah. Shout revival in California. Shout that the ground will be revived.
Lord, we thank you for what you’re doing. Now, father, let in this season of grace, let grace fall on California.

Robert Heidler – In Genesis 1, when the whole world was a wreck and a ruin, it was dark, it was destroyed, it was lifeless. But it says, the spirit of God, the Ruach Elohim came and hovered over the dark mess. And as the spirit of God did that, he was imparting into the world that which would come forth as life.
And so for California right now, we say, come Holy Spirit. Come Come Holy Spirit. Over the destroyed land and prepare it right now for revival to break loose.

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