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Voices: Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier
Date Given: September 3, 2020
– Leann Squier –
♪ We are ready for, the double portion of ♪ ♪ your presence Lord ♪ ♪ Let heaven come ♪ ♪ We are ready for the double portion of your presence ♪ ♪ Let heaven come ♪ ♪ Let heaven come ♪ ♪ Let heaven come ♪ ♪ Let heaven come ♪ ♪ Let heaven come ♪
Chuck Pierce
Now then when it was time for the double portion to come forward, the war really began. So with LeAnn singing this and with Judah decreeing that heaven must come down to earth, the will of God is for a new portion. But remember what happened, Elijah couldn’t even face off all the demons that was holding back and holding up the move of God. So, he pulled away he ran. He went into the cave, God had to meet him, send them back and say, “This is what you gonna have to do to complete this.” It took seven years, he had to, anoint a King Hazael, that was bad. He had to anoint Jehu who knew how, to take out the structure that was there. And he had to anoint Elisha with a double portion of his mantle that could go to the next level. I decree in this watch, that we are being anointed new and fresh, with a new level, with a new dynamic, something that will take out what wasn’t taken out last season. I decree right now that no longer will we agree with that that is holding down, and pressing down , and stopping, what is trying, to stop the next move of God. I say every layer of that demonic force will come off in Jesus name. Lord, we cry out for this double portion.
Anne Tate
And the Lord is saying that in order to enter into the new and be that person, or those people who are standing in the new it will take the double portion in order to face what we are going to be facing. And the Lord says when you ask for a double portion, it’s a hard thing because He knows the season that’s coming up and so Lord we are crying out and saying, “We are those ones, who will face what we have to face, we’ll deal with what we have to deal with.” We are going into the double portion. There is no hope, for our future, unless there are a few good men and women who will call out, and do what is necessary to receive, the double portion.
Chuck Pierce
We decree right now, that Lord we need, a new portion of your spirit. That is the only thing that’s going to settle the systemic racial structures in America is a double portion of a move of the Spirit of God. Lord, we say right now, the only thing that will unlock the financial provision for the future, is a double portion, of the move of God. We say the only thing that will overthrow political systems and control, that would remove the freedom to worship, is a double portion of your spirit. Father we cry out that a new generation like Elisha rise up that not just be Elijah’s make decrees but that the Elisha’s rise up this hour.
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