
Evaluate and Move Forward

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: August 27, 2023

Chuck Pierce – Every seven years, biblically, your body changes. It’s like you slough off old structure, and it takes seven years to become a new wineskin. And so we’re changing and we’re moving. But in the word of God you see in the Book of Revelation, after 70 years, the Lord came to John. Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos. We went there, we read the whole book out loud of Revelation and visited him and he said, “I’m ready to evaluate the church.” See, there comes a point where the Lord says, “I have to evaluate my church today so it can make it shift into the future.” So remember he went and the angel of each of the key seven churches of that region. And the Lord said, “You know, you’ve been doing this real well.” Some of them had not been doing certain things well and He addressed that. But he said, “Each one of you can overcome. If you hear what the spirit is saying to the church.” You can go into your future.

– Amen.

– Yeah.

– All you have to do is hear what the spirit is saying. Now put your hand right here. You are the church.

– [Congregation] Yeah. Amen.

– But I do feel like we are under some divine evaluation right now where the Lord is saying, “I want you to make it into the future.

– [Congregation] Yeah.

– “I want you to triumph. I want you to walk in victory. I want you to move forward.”

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