
Give Me Room to Expand and Multiply You

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Lisa Lyons
Date Given: October 14, 2018

  • Chuck Pierce

And I say to you, “This is a day that I’m finding a way into your vessel and in finding My way in, I’m showing you things you haven’t seen. I’m showing you things you don’t understand. I’m showing you things that will cause you to begin to multiply in new ways. I am showing you, you” sayeth the Lord. “So in my finding my way in, give Me room to expand. Give Me room to rise up. Give Me room to take you and fill you and use you in new ways. Give Me room to cause you to reign in days ahead.

  • Lisa Lyons

For desire creates capacity and in the blessing to multiply there is an inherent expansion that I am leading you into. There is an expansion of your desire for Me and as that desire grows, your capacity grows and as capacity grows, the multiplication grows. So the Lord says this is the time of great expansion. Let your desire expand and watch the fullness of it come into new expression.

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