
Heed My Call of the Harvest

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Jessica Rana, Linda Heidler, Mark Waldrep
Date Given: August 14, 2021

Jessica Rana – Speaking in the Spirit

Chuck Pierce – For I am extending a new call to My people. And I say as they respond to the call, The Heaven’s will begin to descend into the earth. You will see signs throughout the skies. You will see signs in the earth. I say I am sending a new call and sharpening the axe of My people. I am readying them to build what will need to be built as My fortress in this earth for the future. I say heed the call, for I am calling from Heaven.

Linda Heidler – And the Lord says this this war is about the harvest. He said if you will listen, You will hear the sound of the harvest as the as the trees can cry out. As the rocks can cry out, the harvest is crying out. This war is not about COVID. This war is not about limiting um rights and freedom. This war is about the harvest and the freedom to speak So the harvest can come in, tune your ears. So you will hear the sound of the harvest.

Mark Waldrep – I heard the Lord say “I put you into the now, I’ve positioned you in a specific squad, company, brigade. All within My Holy Army. I purchased you for a price, and you’re going to go into the depths of which you have never known. I am looking into this army and I see that I am pulling out that which made you gullible to the illusions of the enemy. I am synthesizing your eyes, your sight, your hearing in My holiness. You are going to go out into the place where you make the good calls, and you’re going to bring back that which was stolen. You’re going to repair that, which was damaged. You in I, I, in you, we will sing the songs that dismantle what the world thought was invincible. I in you, and you in Me. That is what is invincible.

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