
I Am Cultivating New Fields Within You

Voices: Chuck Pierce, John Dickson
Date Given: March 21, 2021

Chuck Pierce – Now I hear the Lord saying some of you are grabbing hold of the plow but you’re looking back. And the Lord says, when you put your hand to the plow, keep your eyes focused on the field ahead and I say to you many new fields are forming and if you keep looking back at the field you were in, you will never see the harvest of the field ahead. I say, I am calling a people to grab a hold and move forward into their new fields. I say do not keep looking back at that field that once produced but jump in to the field ahead and watch this field be cultivated sayeth the Lord.

John Dickson – I will not turn back ♪ ♪ No I will not turn back ♪ ♪ I will not turn back ♪ ♪ No I will not turn back ♪ ♪ No no I will not turn back ♪ ♪ No I will not turn back ♪ One more time.  ♪ I will not back now no I will not turn back ♪ ♪ Lawlessness, hear my roar ♪ ♪ Unbelief and fear, I am telling you no more ♪

Chuck Pierce – So I say here, many of you have fear that you will not have the strength to plow that new field, I say to you the fear is making you confused over how I can infuse you. I say to you, let the fear of the new go for in that new field you’ll find the treasures you’re looking for.

John Dickson – ♪ Let it go let it go now ♪ ♪ Let it go let it go let it go ooh ♪ ♪ Let it go let it go now ♪ ♪ Let it go let it go let it go ♪ ♪ Lawlessness, lawlessness ♪ ♪ hear my roar ♪ ♪ Unbelief and fear, I am telling you no more. ♪ ♪ Depression, sorrow, grief I am standing at the door. ♪ ♪ False worship and false religion, ♪ ♪ I am stirring my zeal for war. ♪

Chuck Pierce – For I say comfortable, comfortable is the enemy to the strength you need So I say, be careful. I am producing a new strength as you expand into the future. I say yes, I’m digging deep in you because you have no idea of the field that I’ve been working on in you and yet you’re limiting me with vision. You’re limiting me with ideas. You’re limiting me based upon your own knowledge. I say I’m digging deep because you’re gonna dig deeper sayeth the Lord.

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