
Igniting the Light of Life

Voices: Jonathan Dickson
Date Given: December 5, 2021

Jonathan Dickson – Just as these have been dedicated to the Lord, call out your dedication, your rededication to God, for the strong and mighty God is living and moving within us. We will not be afraid. For your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you. And like a spark of flint, a fire is ignited, a flame that will consume the darkness in the world. God’s power of miracles and creation when He formed the Earth is waiting inside each and every one of you like a wellspring, eager to spring up. It is the same power of miracles and creation that ministered to Mary when Jesus was formed in her womb. Mary submitted to God, yielding all and allowing room for Holy Spirit to stir up that miracle within her. And from this imparted gift of life, God had changed the battlefield forever. What Satan and his demons had controlled in the Earth masquerading as light and liberty would be exposed by the light from heaven. Satan’s hold on the Earth would be breached and Emmanuel, God come among us, would establish the beachhead from which God’s people will take back what had been stolen. Holy Spirit ministers to you now. Holy Spirit ministered to Mary then. And just as in the beginning, when God decreed, “Let there be light,” so in Mary light was ignited. God began to form and weave His majesty, His strength, His power, His glorious kingship into flesh and Mary would carry the bringer of light and truth to the world. Miracles are brewing in you today. Allow Holy Spirit to stir up and break out in you.

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