
Interpret the Darkness Correctly and Find Your Victory

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: February 18, 2018

  • Chuck Pierce

And I say, you haven’t interpreted the darkness correctly, for the darkness is where you will shine and in the midst of shining, you’ll begin to see ways you’ve never seen before. Interpret the darkness this season in a new way. And you thought you would be going one way but I have different roadsigns for you. I say now you’ll begin to interpret that which will propel you further down the path that I have. Don’t kick against the pricks. Don’t keep going in the way you thought you would go for your way is changing. And I say I’m awakening a new day in you for the horizon line for your life is shifting. You’ll see in a way you’ve not seen before. You’ll move in a way you’ve not moved before. You’ll begin to break into a place you’ve not broken into before. I say a new day is shifting for you. And I say there’s a victory on this horizon that you’ve not seen. You’ve been looking for victory but not seen it clearly. I say a victory is on this horizon. Look further in and you’ll see your victory. For in the midst of confused noise, I always have victory. Don’t listen to the confusion that’s being authored around you. Listen to the victory that’s at hand. Listen for the victor has risen in this new day. And there is ways in you that you’ve not seen correctly and there is gifts in you that you’ve not opened up. I say along this path, every road sign will show you a gift that you must open and once you open that gift, you will begin to go further into the place of your destiny. Open up. Open up the gates, sayeth the Lord.

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