
Let the Echo of My Voice Penetrate the Earth

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: January 12, 2025

Chuck Pierce – And I would say to you this week, if you will speak on My behalf, I will create an echo from your voice. And I say that echo will keep going forward. So if you will speak, you will penetrate layers that have not been penetrated. This is a week to speak forth in new ways, penetrate layers, and allow My sound to reverberate and open the way for you and open the way for this nation in days ahead. So I say, don’t hold back. Let the echo of My voice penetrate the Earth.

Chuck Pierce – And if you will speak now, those words that you have spoken will go through the chamber that I’m creating before you. I say many words you have spoken in other seasons are being blocked at the entrance of synergy that I am creating. So speak now and watch those words catch up and align and penetrate into the place that I sent them from the beginning for this will be a new place of victory for your life.

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