
Listen to the Voice Calling You Forward

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Marty Cassady
Date Given: August 19, 2018

  • Chuck Pierce

Now, let me remind you, His voice is on the waters. It was His voice that called Peter out of the boat and had him stand on the waters. Listen for the voice that is calling you forward in your circumstances this week. Listen to the voice that is calling you forward in your circumstances this week. Don’t take and get in a flooding current that will take you to a place that you don’t need to be.

  • Marty Cassady

And the Lord is also saying that when Chuck says, listen to the voice, you need to make that personal. For two weeks now, I’ve come in here and I’m hearing, I put my hand up to my ear. I’m hearing the Lord say, “Marty, Marty, Marty,” and He says today, get personal. Let Him speak your name and begin to hear His direction. Make it very, very personal between your spirit and His. He’s calling your name to show you the way, to show you the path. And He says, “If you will listen I’m gonna pour out “what you could never have imagined.”

  • Chuck Pierce

It’s almost like when He called Abraham and He said, “Abraham.” And Abraham came and went with Isaac up to Mount Moriah. And it’s almost like this week the Lord’s saying, I’m going to call you into an understanding and a sacrifice that you’ve not had before. And when you do that it’s gonna shift your supply line properly. So the Lord says, “Listen carefully as I begin “to tell you the one thing I would have you do.” This week don’t complicate it, don’t complicate it. I’ll tell you one simple thing and when you obey me things will begin to cause you to receive the next piece of your puzzle. Now, hear this. If you wanna write this down, this is very important. There’s this brooding clarity that God’s doing this morning. He’s saying, “Follow the river you’re in, “follow the river you’re in. “Watch the currents, don’t get “into currents you shouldn’t be in.” In other words, you don’t need to be pulled aside and listen to every little thing that can catch you up and take you in a wrong direction. You don’t need to be concerned over every little strange thing that’s around you. Follow the river, watch the currents. Listen to my voice to keep you walking through the place you’re in. And then come up, not under. Come up, not under and I’ll give you the new piece that is necessary for you to see clearly how I will provide in the future. We hear the voice of God through the word, by the Spirit, through delegated authorities in our life, through circumstances, through dreams, through visions. Lord, we ask you right now for a Spirit of revelation and insight on us. I saw what Tobias was saying, remember I had the dream about the Mississippi. We went to the mouth of the Mississippi and we were just in Tulsa and the Lord gave me a word about one of it’s main tributaries, the Arkansas river. So it’s almost like the Lord is shifting us toward the flow of the land. The flow of the land and heaven together. That’s what that really is, that’s what that means. It’s the flow of the land and the river together not just the land and where you’re working, but the flow of heaven into that place that is bringing life to you.

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