
Persecution Prepares for a New Glory Manifestation

Voices: Keevy Phillips
Date Given: May 2, 2021

Keevy Phillips- For the Lord will say to you, even now, the systems of this world have tried to hold you captive to the way that they think and try to hold you to their standards. But the Lord says, “I, in My Word have led captivity captive,” says the Lord the Lord says, “Even now the systems of this world have become mine and the persecution that you’re going through, through this system is to prepare the glory for Me to come in.” Said the Lord, “Do not despise the day. Of being like Job, do not despise. the day of testing, for the testing is producing a testimony. The testing is producing a path for My glory. The systems of this world do not trump My systems.” Says the Lord, “Know this day. I am coming quickly to govern the systems that are trying to keep you enslaved,” says the Lord.

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