
The Health Structure will Start Reforming From the Awakening of Nation’s Borders

Voices: Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce, John Dickson, Lisa Lyons
Date Given: January 13, 2020

Chuck Pierce – Now, hear the Lion of the tribe of Judah calling us, blowing down on us through that hallel movement causing us to awaken in ways we have never awakened. Shout awaken. Awaken oh sleeper, awaken oh sleepers. Awaken the sleepers of the nation. Father we say, as we go through this time that we are hearing your breath blow to cause an awakening in the nations. You’re drawing us near. We’re submitting. We’re resisting. And the enemy must start backing away. We say territories will now start awakening. We say this is the beginning of an awakening conquest throughout the earth, of remnant arising with the sound of awakening they’re snapping in place new borders, new boundaries. That which has been contending for your people, you’re ordering new borders for their life. People are being repositioned. They’re letting go of places where they have been to be re-bordered by you. For our new portion, everybody decree new portion. Now decree to your nation, your state, wherever you are, that the borders are re-awakening.

Lisa Lyons – I’m seeing this, I’m seeing there’s nations and peoples who are back in bed and their eyes are open but they pull the cover up over their head so they can’t see, and I heard the Lord say, “I’m snatching that cover off and there is gonna be a confrontation of vision.” There is gonna be a confrontation, you’re gonna be confronted with things you didn’t wanna see that you’re gonna have to see and answer, and address ’cause I am snatching those occultic covers off, that you have been in agreement with.

Chuck Pierce – Decree there’s a new face off coming. Tore the veil is being removed so we can see and do a different dimension.

Anne Tate – And the Lord says that there are gonna be places where you’ve had your borders too tight, in nations over sudden issues that should be open, and some things that have been open that need to be bordered and stretched around. And the Lord said, “I’m gonna pull off the deception that has kept you in that place of setting wrong borders, and in wrong order that keep you from coming into the place that I have called you to, into spiritual dimensions that I have loosed for you in this season.”

John Dickson – I hear creaks and groanings as the atmosphere is forced to move. Chuck Pierce – The land is getting louder. Structures are beginning to say, “We have to reform.” John Dickson- They were formed in a way that was not my plan says the Lord and now I’m moving them and they are creaking and groaning as I press them into their new shape and form and manifestation.

Chuck Pierce – We say the health structure will start reforming from heaven. Because the spirit of penetration is coming into it and it will be bypassed by healings until it comes into a new order. And I say to you, get ready you’re about to travel in new ways, you’re gonna go on paths that have never, never been broken fully through. You’re gonna create roads that I’ve always had there, that have never been uncovered. I say get ready, for I am commissioning a traveling through you in this era.

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