
The Incubation Period Is Over

Voices: Jane Arenas
Date Given: September 22, 2024

Jane Arenas – I heard the Lord saying that incubation period is over. Like I’m ending the incubation period. Like there’s so much richness inside of you, so much wealth inside of you that has been in this place of concealment for so long, and the Lord is saying it’s time. It’s time. It’s time. There is a reality that I need you to come into to see, to then overtake and then grab the plunder because there is a war. But you have been so concealed in all of these promises and been surrounded by my presence that he’s saying now, it’s time for you to come out. It’s time do you, It’s for you to come out of your hiding and to start to overtake the land that I am birthing you into in this hour.

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