
The Light Bringer Is Within You

Voices: Anne Tate, James Vincent, Mark Waldrep
Date Given: November 20, 2022

Anne Tate – The Lord says that today, last Sunday, Chuck prophesied that the Lord was molding us and putting a name within us and surrounding that name with lights and He said, “Today I am knitting into the very inner most part of you the Light Bringer. I am the Light Bringer.” And He said, “I am bringing light into you and through you.”

James Vincent ♪ We feel the light in the midst of the darkness ♪

Mark Waldrep – Last night and again this morning when Judah was singing a song, the Lord said that, “You are going into the tough places, but with a song and that song brings My light and it quickens the people that hear the song. So continue forward with that song. There’s a fragrance of life in this place right now and you are to carry that fragrance of life wherever you walk. Keep going forward with My song.”

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