
The Trail of Tears Is Turning to Joy

Voices: LeAnn Squier, Richelle Garcia
Date Given: May 26, 2023

Richelle Garcia – Father God, we just thank You, Lord. We say . We say thank You, God. Today is a blessed day, and we say, . Come Holy Spirit and have Your way in this place. Come from the north, the south, east, and the west, like only You know how. Chief Cornerstone, we thank You. We say . We thank You. We thank You, Father God, for what You are doing in this season, Father God. We don’t take it lightly for what You’re doing and who You have chosen for this time, in this season, and we say, warriors, it’s time to rise up. We say, warriors, it’s time to take your stance and rise up and don’t be shaken. Don’t be moved because there’s no more trail of tears.

LeAnn Squier – Chuck, can I say something? As Richelle was speaking this time, when she said, “No more trail of tears,” she wasn’t just talking about the Natives anymore, the Native American people. She was talking about all of us, all of us, all of us. It was like a blanket, like a mantle, like a mantle came out over the people of God, and here’s what I wanna say. The Lord says the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion. An everlasting joy shall be upon their heads, and when Richelle did that, she was nullifying, nullifying in the Spirit, this trail of tears that the people of God have also walked on, and I will declare to you today, at the sound of her voice, that assignment has been rend. I say, no more trail of tears. God is rending that assignment and He is speaking out. Now, it’s time. It’s time. It’s time for the redeemed of the Lord to return and come with singing unto Zion with everlasting joy. Joy is your inheritance, joy is your head covering, joy is your garment, and we declare it so from this day forward, in Jesus’ name.

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