
There Is Reconciliation in the Rumblings

Voices: James Vincent, Keevy Phillips, Tobias Lyons
Date Given: August 19, 2020

– Tobias Lyons

Psalms talks about how dead men can only create dead things. So if you carry the spirit of the living God inside of you, that means your atmosphere has to surround itself with life. That means every portion of who you are in every place that you set foot and everything thing that you speak to has to listen to the sound of life. You carry the voice of the creator inside of you. You carry miracles inside of you. You carry resurrection life inside of you. And this song is a song of faith. So as they continue singing about miracles, as they continue singing about life, about resurrection, then agree with heaven because heaven is inside of you. So lift up your hand, say, father let my faith connect with heaven. Let my faith connect with heaven and release resurrection life into your atmosphere.

James Vincent

♪ Your name is above every name ♪ ♪ Yeshua ♪ ♪ Healing water is in your name ♪ ♪ Holy fire is in your name ♪ ♪ The winds of life are in your name ♪ ♪ For there is nothing that exists ♪ ♪ And nothing that was made ♪ ♪ That wasn’t made through you ♪ ♪ You are the word made life ♪ ♪ The very word of God made life ♪ ♪ Yes you are Yeshua ♪ ♪ Yes you are Yeshua ♪ ♪ Yes you are Yeshua ♪ ♪ The very words of life ♪ ♪ So where shall I go ♪ ♪ To whom shall I go ♪ ♪ For not only do you have the words of life ♪ ♪ You are the very resurrection ♪ ♪ That raises the most dead ♪ ♪ Still lifeless thing to life ♪ ♪ You bring it into the fullness ♪ ♪ Of intention from the father ♪ ♪ You are the resurrection ♪ ♪ You are the life ♪

Keevy Phillips

The Lord says, even now I am rending heavens to reveal my resurrection power so reconciliation and healing can begin. The rumblings in the heavens that you have heard, and that you will hear all the way up to the elections in this nation and many other nations around the world. It is the sound of my resurrection power causing rumblings into heaven for reconciliation says the Lord. The Lord says I am coming quickly to reconcile left and right. And accounts that have been out of balance, says the Lord. So as you run to me, as you chase after me, as you call upon my name, know that the sounds that you’re hearing and the sounds that is loose from your inner being is the sound of resurrection I have placed inside of you. And it is the sound of reconciliation and restitution. Be ye reconciled today with the sound of heaven, says the Lord.

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