
You Are Qualified by the Blood of Jesus

Voices: Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier
Date Given: August 21, 2022

LeAnn Squier – I just wanna say before this, you are qualified by the blood of Jesus, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it. That’s all, that’s all. You’re qualified by the blood of Jesus. And you know, the enemy wants to drag out your process so that you never ever reach your desired end. You never ever step into the place where you feel qualified but you are qualified by the blood of Jesus. And that’s it, that’s enough. That’s enough, that’s enough. That’s all that there really is, that’s enough. We bless You Lord and we thank You for the Spirit. Holy Spirit that comes and testifies to the efficacy of the blood and the sufficiency of the cross to do everything that is needed within us, that we can be called sons and daughters of the most high God. And we just put that out right now as the declaration we are the sons and the daughters of the most high God through the blood of Jesus, our elder brother, He’s leading many, many sons and daughters to glory. And we thank You Father. It is enough.

Chuck Pierce – There’s something going on with us today where He just wants you to know, because of Me, you are. Rely upon Me, adhere to Me, decree that you and I are one because of Him. You are healed, because of Him you are free. Now just let Him remind you that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, Jesus. I mean, it’s amazing, even though you don’t feel it, you are, look at two or three people, say you are, you are, you are.

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